Lynne Bowsher

Certified Mind Body Nutrition Coach

Graduate of Functional Nutrition


Are you dealing with stress, fatigue or feeling a lack of purpose?

I have been there too and discovered how to bring “me” back.

I am passionate about helping you reach your desired health and wellness goals and 100% committed to supporting you on your own personal health journey.


Do you constantly feel stressed and tired?

Does your fatigue prevent you from doing what you love?

The 7 simple steps you will discover within this e-book will encourage you to take responsibility for your own health and begin your own personal life transformation.


Empowering Your Health is My Mission

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Hello! I'm Lynne

Certified Mind Body Eating Coach

          Certified Eating Psychology Coach

                    Graduate of Functional Nutrition

                              Certified Iyengar Yoga Instructor

Offering a Cutting Edge Approach to Health and Wellness That Works With Unique Aspects of our Connection to Food, Body and Health


My Expertise

Stress, Fatigue, & Lack of Purpose


Are you struggling with one or all of the above? These three health issues were the beginning of my journey towards transformation. You can read more about that here in my story.

If you have been dealing with any or all of these frustrating health issues, I would love to help you work towards your own personal health and wellness goals.

Using the approaches of Eating Psychology and Functional Nutrition, together we will take a deep dive into your story to find the root causes of what may be causing your symptoms of stress, fatigue and begin to bring back a sense of purpose in your life.

Utilizing a simple, yet systemised approach and through various methods of tracking how we are doing, we can begin to uncover your "non-negotiables" and take the necessary steps to help you reach your highest goals around food, body and health.

My Approach & Values

My Values

I treat my clients with absolute respect as to where they are right now in their own personal relationship with food and body and help to guide them towards their desired outcome.

I work from a "functional" lens looking at their whole body, lifestyle and any signs or symptoms that are preventing them from feeling their best.

I use a "systems based" approach with the understanding that one physiological system in the body affects the others. Working to address the root causes to begin to bring their body back into balance.

And I am always happy to work in partnership with my clients' other teams of health care providers.


I give my clients the tools necessary to bring them back to a state of balance in body, mind and spirit.

 My Approach

I do not diagnose or prescribe, but by a process of assessing and tracking I can recommend the necessary steps my clients may need to bring their body back into balance.

Combining various techniques and many of the best strategies from Functional Nutrition and Eating Psychology, my clients are coached to reach their highest goals.

These are all simple techniques that will nourish and empower.

Together we focus on what is right for your body and your personal lifestyle.

You will find that your challenges round food and body will become opportunities for your own growth and self improvement.

I am 100% committed to helping my clients achieve their desired health goals.

Available Services

Functional Nutrition

Functional Nutrition - "nutrition-based" health care focused on building and sustaining health.

Addressing imbalances by restoring proper physiological functioning of your body.

This is done through food, lifestyle and supplement interventions.

Mind Body Nutrition

Mind Body Nutrition - an exciting, timely new field that advances the practice of clinical nutrition by exploring the psycho-physiology of how thoughts, feelings and beliefs impact our nutritional metabolism and health.

Offering practical and results-oriented strategies.

Eating Psychology

Dynamic Eating Psychology - a positive, empowering, transformational approach designed for anyone who eats.

This unique approach to food and body is positive, empowering, sustainable, and yields definite and lasting results.

Iyengar Yoga

The Iyengar Method - is accessible to everyone. Through regular practice one obtains an increase in suppleness, strength and stamina.

The practice also improves posture and concentration and quietens the mind to promote optimal health and well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this work for?

Basically this work is for anyone who eats! Through the realm of Functional Nutrition and Eating Psychology you will begin to understand who you are as an eater and the powerful effects of your eating habits on your mind and body.

You begin to understand where your food meets your physiology and discover how your food and lifestyle habits play a huge role in your current health concerns.

This is an individualized approach focused directly on your body’s needs.

How will I benefit from this work?

The key principles of this work will help you to fully comprehend the magnitude of your own personal relationship with food and body.

It will give you the tools to step into your own intuitive power of when and what to eat. You will gain a better understanding of “what is going in there”.

It will empower you to begin to take control over your own health.

How long before I see results with this work?

Since this work is very individualized, everyone will have their own journey towards making the commitment required for them to see change.

Compliance is key in this work in order to make progress and see change. You begin by determining your desired outcome and then taking baby steps towards your goal to set your journey into motion.

I will be behind you every step of the way offering support and guidance.

What is Functional Nutrition?

Functional Nutrition is nutrition-based health care focused on building and sustaining health through diet, lifestyle and supplement interventions, thus restoring balance to the optimal functioning of your body.

It is not a one-size-fits-all approach and puts the onus on YOU to listen to your body to discover what truly works for you. No one knows your body better than you!

Making sure that your important health basics are in place before jumping ahead to fancy protocols and pills.

Always backing things up before moving forward in order to find the root causes of what is ailing you.

What is Eating Psychology?

Eating Psychology is a holistic, integrative, cutting edge approach that effectively addresses the most common body and mind concerns of today.

It is a positive and empowering approach working on what is most relevant and specific to you.

How does this approach differ from the traditional medical approach?

A Functional Health Coach helps to fill the gap between traditional Medical approaches and our clients.

We will certainly be happy to work with your current health care provider(s) to ensure that you are receiving the best approach to your own personal health care needs.

In other words, this is not a one size fits all approach but rather is customized for each and every client.

Empowering Your Health is My Mission

If you have any further questions, please reach out and I will respond as soon as I am able!

7 + 1 =


The materials contained on this website are provided for general information purposes only and do not constitute legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. Information on this site is provided for informational purposes and it is not meant to substitute the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. I, Lynne Bowsher on behalf of Nutrition for Your Soul do not accept any responsibility for any loss, which may arise from reliance on information contained on this site.

9556 Winchester Road, Vernon  B.C.


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and step into a life of purpose


I sincerely hope that the 7 simple steps you discover in this FREE e-book will become practical tips and tools you are able to incorporate into your own life.

I am sure you will appreciate the power behind them on your own personal journey towards health and wellbeing.

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