Lynne Bowsher
Certified Mind Body Nutrition Coach
Specializing in Functional Nutrition

About Me

Are you dealing with stress, fatigue or feeling a lack of purpose?

I have been there too and discovered how to bring “me” back. I am passionate about helping you reach your desired health and wellness goals and 100% committed to supporting you on your personal health journey

"Empowering Women to Consciously Step Into Their True Potential



Achieving a Balanced Life of Health, Purpose and Vitality"

Hello! I’m Lynne

Eating Psychology Coach / Mind Body Nutrition Coach / Specializing in Functional Nutrition

Hello I’m Lynne Bowsher and I am a Certified Mind Body Nutrition Coach who specializes in Functional Nutrition. I work with women who are struggling with stress, fatigue and looking for more purpose in their life.

I am a wife, mother and owner of a yoga studio in Lake Country, British Columbia, Canada. In my 30’s I personally struggled with stress, burn out, extreme fatigue and was feeling depleted inside. I knew something was wrong with my health and that something was missing in my life.

Thus began my own personal journey towards health, wellness and purpose. In my 40’s I chose a holistic approach and was intuitively led on a new path of growth, learning and healing.

I became fascinated with the body and mind and took courses in Nutrition, Holistic Health, Reiki, Reflexology, Acupressure, Massage, Touch for Health, and so much more. . . My health began to improve as did my relationship to my body and my connection to my mind.

At the age of 42 I discovered the transformational gift of Iyengar Yoga. It allowed me to feel more connected, I gained more confidence in myself and was proud of what my body allowed me to do and amazed at the effects on my body and mind.

After several years I chose to become a Certified Iyengar Yoga Instructor and in 2002 opened my own yoga studio A Place for Yoga and Health. I have had the privilege of travelling to India 6 times to study with the Iyengar family as well as to France, USA and across Canada studying with senior teachers.

In 2014 I discovered Marc David and the Institute for the Psychology of Eating and enrolled in their Eating Psychology Coaching Program which fit in beautifully with yogic philosophy and the mind body connection!

After becoming certified as an Eating Psychology Coach / Mind Body Nutrition Coach, I opened my coaching business, Nutrition for Your Soul. Then in 2016 I discovered Andrea Nakayama with Functional Nutrition Alliance and enrolled in her Digestive Intensive. This program blew me away and I immediately enrolled in her Full Body Systems program. I am a third year graduate and continue to learn about Functional Nutrition.

Functional Nutrition is based on the principles of Functional Medicine which I believe is the future of health care.


Too many women struggle with stress, burn out and fatigue as they try to manage everything in their lives

Did you know that stress is linked to over 100 medical conditions, some of them serious?

Stress in the body, which comes from many sources, produces a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol when increased in the body puts you into the “fight or flight” response. Too much time spent in fight or flight drains your energy and leads to extreme fatigue.

Every person will respond differently to stress and it is important to take the right steps now to make sure that you are not one of those people who ends up with a serious condition.


Often women are told it is all in their head

Nothing irks me more than to hear this. As mentioned above, there are many different reasons for stress and by exploring an individual’s lifestyle we can discover the source and together begin to create steps to get you out of fight or flight mode and into rest and relaxation mode at least for part of your day!

Each individual is unique and therefore there will not be a one-size-fits-all approach here. But as we dive into your story we will find your own personal “non-negotiables” that must be addressed to get you on your own personalized healing path.


Women don’t feel that there is time for taking care of themselves

Trust me I know where you are coming from with this one! I was there myself for many years putting everyone else’s needs in front of my own. But if we don’t take time for ourselves, what makes us think we will have energy to look after everyone else?

As women we are the caregivers, but we must learn to put ourselves first and there are many simple ways we can begin to incorporate little things into our day to keep us energized and centered. Then not only do we benefit, but we will actually have more to give to those around us as well.


It’s time to bring personal joy, energy and passion back into your life and to celebrate all you were meant to be!

What Clients are Saying About Working With Me

“This program has provided me with a deeper understanding of my relationship with food and how this in turn affects my metabolism and my entire digestive system directly related to weight loss/maintenance, nutrition, health and overall state of well being.
Since starting this program I have developed a conscious awareness of what, where, when and why I eat the foods I consume on a daily basis. It’s truly been a inspirational journey that has transformed my relationship with food. ” 

Johanna Johner, Lake Country


“I would like to thank Lynne for introducing me to The Slow Down Diet and to Eating Psychology.

This course has enlightened me to many things that I had been taking for granted in the past. It offered me simple day to day changes that have made a great difference and encouraged me to explore other areas where I can continue to see improvement in my health and well being.
I was previously overwhelmed by the many nutrition and health options available but this course has shown me simple, effective strategies towards greater well being and has encouraged me to explore deeper as I continue to take charge of my own health!”

Kathy Rae, Lake Country


Over the past 20 years I have gathered many tools and skills to help my students and clients become more connected to self and to realize their full potential.

I have also been blessed to share this work with many in my community through classes, free talks, group programs, workshops, writing articles in several local health magazines and of course through one-on-one coaching with clients.

Using the unique approaches of Functional Nutrition and Eating Psychology and of course yoga, I have the latest cutting edge skills to educate my clients of the necessary approaches towards incorporating more health, joy and vitality into their lives.

If you are tired of being tired and have also been soul searching and are ready to make some transitional life changes, I can help you using various techniques of Mind Body Nutrition.

I will show you the importance of learning how to slow down, relax and nourish your body, mind and spirit.

By taking time out for you, finding time for reflection, and becoming present you will become more balanced in all areas of your life.

Plus, I can help you discover what message those extra pounds may have. Whether you are an emotional eater, binge eater, have body image concerns, or if you are dealing with digestive concerns, fatigue, mood issues or even low immunity, using the unique techniques of Dynamic Eating Psychology, I will help you achieve your specific nutritional needs.

Through the fascinating realm of Functional Nutrition which is based on Functional Medicine, we will dive deep into your “story” to determine why you have been struggling with the issues you currently have.

By assessing and tracking we can begin to address the “non-negotiables” that apply specifically to you.

This is not a one size fits all approach. As we identify and address what is required for you to reach your own personal goals we can also help address the root causes of your symptoms.

Making necessary dietary and lifestyle changes will begin to bring your body back into balance and allow you to be the best version of yourself!

It is such a joy for me to be able to follow my passion and to be able to help women overcome their own personal obstacles to vibrant health, purpose and vitality!

My wish is to help as many women as I can become embodied and to embrace and love who they truly are.

May the Journey of learning never end!

So, what are you waiting for? Make your decision today to empower yourself towards better health. Click the button below to make an appointment today!

Let’s stay in touch and keep the conversation going! Facebook

7 Steps to Help Fight Stress and Fatigue

and step into a life of purpose


If you have been struggling with;

  •  Stress
  •  Fatigue
  •  Wanting more purpose in life

Then download my e-book to get 7 steps towards turning your life around today!

My Expertise and Approach


Stress, Fatigue, & Lack of Purpose

My Experience

  • Dynamic Eating Psychology
  • Mind Body Nutrition
  • Functional Nutrition
  • Iyengar Yoga


My Education

  • Certified Eating Psychology Coach through The Institute For The Psychology of Eating
  • Certified Mind Body Eating Coach through The Institute For the Psychology of Eating
  • Graduate of the Digestive Intensive through Functional Nutrition Alliance
  • Graduate of Full Body Systems through Functional Nutrition Alliance
  • Certified Iyengar Yoga Instructor with 20 years experience

My Approach and Values

Treating my clients with absolute respect as to where they are right now in their own personal relationship with food and body, I help guide them towards their desired outcome.

I work from a "functional" lens looking at their whole body, lifestyle and any signs or symptoms that are preventing them from feeling their best.

I use a systems based approach with the understanding that one physiological system in the body affects the others, they share many common pathways.

And I am always happy to work in partnership with my clients' other teams of health care providers. 

Available Services

Functional Nutrition

Functional Nutrition - "nutrition-based" health care focused on building and sustaining health.

Addressing imbalances by restoring proper physiological functioning of your body.

This is done through food, lifestyle and supplement interventions.

Mind Body Nutrition

Mind Body Nutrition - an exciting, timely new field that advances the practice of clinical nutrition by exploring the psycho-physiology of how thoughts, feelings and beliefs impact our nutritional metabolism and health.

Offering practical and results-oriented strategies.

Eating Psychology

Dynamic Eating Psychology - a positive, empowering, transformational approach designed for anyone who eats.

This unique approach to food and body is positive, empowering, sustainable, and yields definite and lasting results.

Iyengar Yoga

The Iyengar Method - is accessible to everyone. Through regular practice one obtains an increase in suppleness, strength and stamina.

The practice also improves posture and concentration and quietens the mind to promote optimal health and well-being.

Some articles I have written in local health magazines

Okanagan Health & Wellness Magazine Spring 2016

“Eating Psychology – A Mind Body Approach to Health and Wellbeing”

Pages 24-25

Health Action Magazine Summer 2016

 “Pleasure and the Metabolism Connection”

Pages 28-29

Okanagan Family Magazine 2018-2019

“Want a Healthy and Happy Family – Understand Some Basics of Functional Nutrition”

Pages 10-12

Empowering Your Health is My Mission

If you have any further questions, please reach out and I will respond as soon as I am able!

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The materials contained on this website are provided for general information purposes only and do not constitute legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. Information on this site is provided for informational purposes and it is not meant to substitute the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. I, Lynne Bowsher on behalf of Nutrition for Your Soul do not accept any responsibility for any loss, which may arise from reliance on information contained on this site.

9556 Winchester Road, Vernon  B.C.


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and step into a life of purpose


I sincerely hope that the 7 simple steps you discover in this FREE e-book will become practical tips and tools you are able to incorporate into your own life.

I am sure you will appreciate the power behind them on your own personal journey towards health and wellbeing.

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