The 7-Day Winter Cleanse Program that will not only allow you to ground and nourish yourself, but also offers support to your kidneys and adrenals, as well as calming your body’s stress response.

• Would you like to break free from unhealthy eating habits you know are bad for you?

Would you like to have more energy and increase your mental clarity so you can live your life with more passion, vibrancy and joy?

How many diets have you tried that haven’t brought you the results you are looking for?

Do you wonder if there are foods you are sensitive to that may be causing inflammation in your body and preventing you from losing weight?


  • Are you finally ready to transform your life and move towards a path  of health and vitality?

Hi, if we haven’t met, I am Lynne Bowsher, a Certified Mind Body Nutrition Coach, graduate of Functional Nutrition and the founder of Nutrition For Your Soul.

Are you getting tired of the same old messages about food, body, nutrition and health? Perhaps you’re confused about what to eat and what not to eat?

Are you ready to let go of your inner struggles around food, body and weight? Can you imagine what life might be like if you found way of eating and living that would truly nourish you?

Or maybe you are finally ready to cleanse and detoxify your body bringing things back towards balance.

It’s time to learn some easy-to-practice techniques that will begin to transform your relationship with food and body. It’s time to discover the nutritionist within you so that you can nourish your body and mind in a whole new way and re-energize your metabolism.

It’s time to take an important step forward with your relationship to food! I would love to teach you some powerful tools and techniques from the cutting edge approaches from Mind Body Nutrition and Functional Nutrition that will help you transform your relationship with food and body!

I have created this simple Winter Cleanse Program as a jumpstart to help you achieve a balanced life of health, purpose and vitality! It is time for you to step into your true potential!

It’s time for a simple, effective approach to place you on the path towards better health and wellbeing.


What’s the difference between a cleanse        and a diet?


Diets often have you counting every calorie, which understandably causes you frustration and at the end of the day you are hungry and lethargic.

My 7-Day Ground & Nourish Winter Cleanse Program isn’t about starving your body, fasting, juicing, eating strange food combinations, or taking lots of supplements. It is about allowing you the freedom to enjoy healthy, whole, nutritious food while resetting your body’s metabolism and stepping into the confidence of taking charge of your own health. It is time to become your own health advocate! After all, no one knows your body better than you!

The holiday season is long over and you might be feeling the need to focus on your health once again. It can often be easy to fall back into old habits over the holiday season. Now is a great time of year to kick-start your health, remove harmful toxins from your body, develop better eating habits and make a smooth transition to an overall healthier lifestyle for the year ahead!

This 7-Day Program is safe, fun, delicious and effective for anyone who wants to get back on track with healthy eating, and to learn and implement many other health strategies that will help to keep you on track throughout the rest of the year.

Did you know that 98% of people who go on a diet and lose weight will put all that weight back on and more after one year?

It is time for something different that truly works for YOUR body. Something that is truly functional for YOU.

Would you like to maximize the digestion, absorption and metabolism of your winter foods?

My work is to coach you towards what actually works to nourish your own unique body with its’ own needs and requirements. This program will be like a jumpstart towards you becoming your own health advocate.

It is vital for your body to do at least one cleanse or detox per year, especially when we are exposed daily now to so many toxins. And if you are able to do seasonal cleanses, obviously that is even better! One of the leading causes of diseases today is our environment, next is our stress load and lastly our genetics. All chronic diseases today stem from inflammation in the body, so by doing a regular cleanse or detox, we can help to eliminate the toxins each season which helps to eliminate the inflammation.

Did you know that that toxins are a common cause of inflammation, fatigue, bloating and of weight loss resistance?


Toxins can settle into your body, are then stored in fat tissue and may go undiagnosed for some time.

It is not until they produce symptoms or reactions in your body that you begin to sense something is wrong.

When your body is exposed to toxins or if you eat foods your body is sensitive to, it creates inflammation in your body.

Inflammation is the leading cause behind all chronic diseases today.

Inflammation = Bloating, Weight Gain, Fatigue and even Foggy Brain!

“If you don’t address inflammation by eliminating hidden food allergens or sensitivities and by eating an anti-inflammatory diet, you will never succeed at effective and permanent weight loss.”

– Dr. Mark Hyman

Learn how to identify hidden food sensitivities and toxins in your diet.

During this Winter Cleanse Program you will be eliminating the most recognized inflammatory foods from your diet which will give your body a chance to reset.

I’ve developed a program that will explore what foods work best (and which don’t) to give you optimum energy, kickstart changes in your body, and help you to lose a few pounds.

A cleanse is also about removing toxins from your body. Toxins are stored in fat cells. The more toxins stored in your body, the more fat your body needs to hold on to. Once you remove the toxins, your body will be able to release excess weight! Not to mention bring back your energy, vitality and clearer thinking too!

We will be taking a look at some lifestyle habits you may not even be aware of around your relationship with food and body that will most likely also need to be addressed.

I will guide you step-by-step through this simple cleanse program that will make a huge difference in how you look and feel  — in just 7 days! And will encourage and excite you to continue on afterwards with confidence as to what works for you.

Know that I will be there to support you 100% before, during and after the program!



Take advantage of this special offer today

and begin to take charge of your health!

During the month of February

your investment is only $147 $97

Get ready to Ground and Nourish Yourself!

Come on,

will I really see results

in just 7 days?

Yes! Because when you eat foods that are not suitable for your body, you may feel bloated, sluggish and lethargic.

This 7-Day Winter Cleanse Program will give you the results you are looking for because you will be removing the key inflammatory foods that cause inflammation in the body.

By removing these inflammatory foods, the cells in your body will stop holding onto toxins and fat. Yes, it can really be that simple!

Why Should I Consider a Winter Cleanse?

A cleanse is an opportunity to slow down, to pay attention to what’s coming into your body, and a time to activate your systems of detoxification and elimination. When done well a cleanse should have you feeling stronger, leaner, healthier, having more energy and clarity and allow you to better cope with life’s many challenges.

In Eastern medicine, Ayurveda teaches us that the transitional periods between the seasons (such as winter) are the best times to cleanse. Just as nature transitions through the four seasons, when we do a winter cleanse before the spring it assists the body in the natural detoxification process that is already occurring and allows the body to rest and regenerate itself.

A winter cleanse will support certain glands in your body and helps boost your body’s ability to renew and regenerate so you can obtain optimal health, performance, and longevity.

By taking this time for yourself, you will have the opportunity to reap the health benefits you desire which usually are more clarity, focus, intention, and energy.

By allowing your body the opportunity to slow down and by quietening what is coming into your body, this helps ensure that your system does not get overwhelmed due to a buildup of toxic waste or lead to sluggish physiological systems.

Some additional reasons on why you should consider a winter cleanse;

  • Winter is a time to go within, to become quiet and to revitalize.

  • Winter is a great opportunity to support your kidneys which are one of your major organs of detoxification.

  • Winter is also a great time to support your adrenals which help you to manage and mitigate your response to stress.

Cleansing gives you a chance to re-set your eating habits and reconnect to your body, mind and spirit. By cleansing each season your body has a great opportunity of moving toward and maintaining optimal health while beginning to address the root causes of any imbalances.

It will also be beneficial to establish nourishing and rejuvenating practices during your cleanse which will further help to rebuild your depleted system.

Ground and Nourish Yourself During This 7-Day Winter Cleanse Program



What results can I expect from this 7-Day Ground and Nourish Winter Cleanse Program?

  • You will be able to determine some hidden food sensitivities that have been causing you to hold onto weight.
  • You will learn which foods fuel your body and boost your metabolism so you can bring your best to everything you do!
  • You will learn how to use food as medicine!
  • This will be a jumpstart for your body’s metabolism, so you can begin to release excess weight you may have been holding onto and get your energy back.
  • Your cravings for those foods that sabotage your energy and your weight loss will be reduced.
  • Your digestive issues will be reduced or even eliminated because you are taking the key inflammatory foods away. These inflammatory foods are the major cause of bloating and many illnesses and disease.


And most importantly, you will reduce stress!

Cleaning up your diet for 7 days will have a powerful impact on your emotional state.

As stress is reduced, your metabolism will be able to start functioning optimally.

You might even choose to continue on for 14 or even 21 days to receive even more benefits from the program!

“I chose the cleanse because I have never done one before and I was interested to investigate foods and their effect on me regarding my energy levels and feelings of well being.”

“I lost a couple of pounds and I felt quite rejuvenated after the cleanse. I discovered that my body does better without certain foods for sure.

The biggest insights into our talks and discussions during the cleanse were that food is your medicine and that we should investigate our food intake before we look into any ill health, as it is possible that the food we eat is responsible for some of our poor health.

I will be doing my best to try and reduce both my gluten and diary intake from now on. I’ve already reduced my meat and sugar intake.

I discovered several favorite recipes and would definitely consider doing another cleanse.”

“I would definitely recommend this program to others!”

Erin – Lake Country, BC            


I created this cleanse program for several reasons:

1. Life gets in the way of a healthy and nutritional lifestyle. While we might be motivated and have the best of intentions when we begin, it’s so darn easy to fall back into old habits.

2. Even though I believe in simple and gentle cleanses, cleansing can be tough to do on your own. This program is designed to give you the support you need as you go through the process.

3. Having gone through several cleanse programs myself, I often found I had questions along the way and wished I had a coach I could go to for direction.

4. I want you to learn from the mistakes I have made during the cleanse programs I have done in the past. I also want to share systems I have developed to simplify the process. Why should you have to reinvent the wheel?

5. Cleansing is a very effective way to create long-term changes, but most people don’t know how to effectively use a cleanse program to create lasting changes.

6. I want you to begin to understand the connection between the food you eat and how it makes you feel.

Are you ready to transform the way you look and feel?

The Results

  • Lose an average of 3-5 pounds. 
  • Say good-bye to cravings, unwanted weight gain, gas and bloating for good.
  • Have glowing skin, hair and nails.
  • Improve your body’s ability to absorb nutrients.
  • Boost your digestive and immune systems.
  • Feel energized, clear and confident.
  • De-stress, no matter what busy environment you live in.
  • Be happier and healthier!
  • Transition into a healthy lifestyle you can live with, and leave those old habits behind!

Cleanse is NOT a dirty word!

It’s about letting go of what doesn’t serve your body anymore (emotionally and physically) and reclaiming your power!

“ If you have ever considered doing a cleanse, but didn’t really know where to start. Nutrition for Your Soul is the place to start. Lynne has put together a very easy, well laid out program. There is nothing left out, so no chance to really fail. It was easy to follow, took some organization to get things in place. I felt like a million bucks afterwards.” 

“I have always wanted to do a cleanse but really didn’t know where to start. After the program I felt great, energetic. I spent time getting to know me, realizing it is fun to cook again when I had guidance.

The biggest insight for me was realizing I am important and to stand up for what I want to eat. I liked that everything was laid out very well and easy to follow. I still have some recipes to try. I would certainly do another cleanse with Lynne.”

“This is a very well put together program and I recommend Lynne’s other programs as well!”

CM – Vernon, BC            

What’s Included in This Cleanse Program


♥  Client Work Book

A physical and emotional inventory to take prior to beginning your Cleanse Program.

  Cleanse Guide Book

A complete cleanse guide so you know why you are doing this, what to do and when.

  Daily Protocol

An easy to follow document that you can print out and post on your fridge so you can stay on track.

  Food Preparation and Cooking Tips

So that you can be well organized for your Cleanse.

  Shopping List

A guide to help you know what to shop for and what to cook.

  7 Days of Meal Plans with over 30 Amazingly Delicious Recipes to Choose From!

You won’t feel deprived at all with the amazing menu I have put together for you.

♥  Toxin Reduction Tips and Tools

Extra actions and advice to help you get the most out of this Cleanse.

♥  Various Handouts

As required there may be additional materials or information relevant to what is being discussed during this program.

♥  Several Recordings

The first will give you a background of what will be focused on during the cleanse and why a Winter Cleanse is important. The next will be to follow up towards the end of the week with suggestions on how to proceed going forward.

  Support via email

You will have my personal support each step of the way, so you never feel stuck or like you’re in it alone.

♥  Transition Diet

This cleanse provides options for both newbies and advanced cleansers so that we can make this cleanse work for you. You will be guided on how to transition off the cleanse, or be given tips on how to continue on longer should you choose.

♥  BONUS 30-Minute Post-Cleanse Strategy Session

We’ll talk about what the right next step is for you so that you can extend the benefits of the cleanse appropriate to your body.

Sign up today!

During the month of February

your investment is only $147 $97

What are you waiting for?

Join us to Ground and Nourish yourself ready for Spring.

You will feel rested and renewed within 7 days! 

During this program, you won’t need to take the week off from work, own a juicer or fancy kitchen gadgets or deny yourself the pleasure of delicious food.

Will I be hungry during the Cleanse Program?

You may experience slight hunger the first two days of the cleanse because the foods may be different to what you are used to eating.

But there is absolutely no need to feel hungry, you can always add in a snack, juice or a smoothie from the meal plans I have put together for you.

The meal plans are packed with amazing recipes that will likely become favorites of yours, even after the detox!

“There were some really interesting meals that I absolutely enjoyed during this program.

I also appreciated the knowledgeable information that Lynne shared.”

“I chose the cleanse program to learn to eat and feel healthier. I have tried other cleanse programs in the past but failed to complete them due to will power.

On this program I enjoyed feeling better. I learned so much about the importance behind the quality of food we should eat, and how to prepare a healthy meal.”

“Lynne has so much knowledgeable information to share.

I would definitely do another cleanse program with her and would recommend this program to others.”

Shannon P – S. Surrey, BC

I’m ready to do this for myself!

I know how important looking after my health is.
Sign me up for this special offer today!

I am ready to Ground and Nourish Myself!

This Winter Cleanse Program is for you if:

  • You are finally tired of yo-yo dieting
  • You have been in a battle with how your body looks and feels
  • You have a challenging relationship with food and body
  • You have unwanted food habits
  • You are trying to lose weight
  • You have health concerns, digestive challenges, immune issues, low energy, mood problems and other challenges

It’s time to stop procrastinating and put your needs first!


I look forward to supporting you 100% during this cleanse program!


In Vibrant Health,
Lynne Bowsher

Certified Mind Body Nutrition Coach
Graduate of Functional Nutrition

To find out more about me and Nutrition For Your Soul and the services and programs I offer, please check

Happiness Guarantee

I have held nothing back in creating this program for you. I want you to live a happier, more vibrant life so I’m giving you all the tools and support you need to start your path to a healthier lifestyle. Because I want you to experience the amazing results possible in this program, once the program materials have been sent out, there are no refunds. I have created this policy so that we are both accountable for your success. I am here to support you 100% every step of the way!

“Empowering Women to Consciously Step Into Their True Potential
Achieving a Balanced Life of Health, Purpose and Vitality”

I have been there too and discovered how to bring “me” back. I am passionate about helping you reach your desired health and wellness goals and 100% committed to supporting you on your personal health journey.