Ahhh, what a beautiful thing it is to be able to truly surrender.

For most people, to surrender means simply to give up. While other people think that to surrender is to let go of something.

I like to think of the word surrender as to let go “into”. Let go to into the unknown, let go into what is.

In my last blog I talked about stepping into your power, about not being broken. When we truly can step into our power we can surrender to life as it is meant to be, as it is meant to happen for us.

This does not mean to accept living a life we are not happy in, on the contrary. To surrender means once we have found our purpose, our passion and have begun to move in that direction, then we can surrender. We can surrender to a higher power. This means letting go of control and trusting that the universe, God, higher self, or whatever you choose to call it is listening.

That by surrendering we say yes. Yes to stepping into our power and beginning to align with the laws of the universe. Which means what you project you will attract, but at the same time being patient and trusting that it will happen when and if it is meant to happen. So step into your power, let go and trust that the universe is listening and will present to you what you need on your journey. This to me is the true meaning of surrender.

Interestingly, here are a few definitions I found from the dictionary on the word surrender relating to what I describe above:
• to give (oneself) up into the power of another
• to give (oneself) over to something
• to submit to the power of another
• to give the control of (something) to someone else
• to relinquish possession or control of (something) to another


Trusting in Surrender

Trusting and not being attached to a given outcome can be extremely difficult. It is a matter of handing over that in our life which we cannot control. And yet at the same time, knowing that in one way or another, we’ll get exactly where we are meant to be and when it is supposed to happen.

We need to trust that we will be guided on our own life path if we surrender and let go to what will be. However at the same time we need to accept and find peace with a timeline that often does not match our own.

Many of us have been brought up being told that in order to succeed we need to have a very specific plan, that we need goals, that we need to move forward in a precise way step by step. While having goals are important, as human consciousness expands, more people are learning to let go and trust in the art of surrender.

So although the idea of success can mean having some sense of where you are going, it also means being flexible, open and trying not to be attached to the outcome. In other words, how well you can surrender to the final outcome.

An exercise I like to do is to journal my long term goals, write them down, reread them, let them enter into your consciousness and then surrender them. Let them go and trust. Surrender to what will happen.

So while planning for the future is important, having those long term goals are helpful, it is more about baby steps, about being present to where we are right now. It is about staying true to our path and trusting in that higher guidance to lead us forward to be at the right place at the right time. Trusting that we will be asked to do what needs to be done as it is needed. It is like handing our dreams, passions and desires to something greater than us to be nurtured and cared for.


Learn From Your Mistakes

I used to think that failure was something dreadful. I had never really failed at anything I truly put my mind to. But a few years ago I did fail at something, something that meant a lot to me.

At first I was stunned, confused, angry. “How could this have happened?” I asked myself. I did all that I could to succeed. I had not experienced failure in this way before. It took me many months to realize that I was meant to fail, that it was not the right time to succeed. That I still had more learning to do. That I needed to be patient and to trust. Trust in the process…

I also learned that through failure we grow, and we grow much stronger. I realized years later that we are meant to fail and that by failing we learn to embrace failure. Failure allows us to learn many life lessons. Those life lessons provide us with more confidence. Confidence in ourselves that we can move on, that we can continue to step forward one day at a time and trust.

Can you embrace surrender?

For surrender is not for the weak hearted.

Surrender is an act of acceptance.

Acceptance to life as it is meant to happen for us.

So learn how to surrender, trust in the process, embrace failure and most of all enjoy the journey…

I would love to help you transform your relationship with food, body and health and empower you to achieve a balanced life of health, purpose and vitality!

Your Nourishing Nutritionist,

Lynne Bowsher

Nourishment for body, mind and spirit



and step into a life of purpose


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