What does the word “Gratitude” mean to you?

What do you “feel” gratitude for in your life?

Did you know that both Health and Happiness can come from your state of mind?


Let me explain…

If you do not have a sense of value when it comes to your own health and happiness, then it is very easy to go about your days tending to everyone elses needs and ignoring your own.

It is these little habits or rituals that we end up doing everyday that can and do have a very profound effect on how we end up feeling at the end of the day.

If we continue to push ourselves to get  through the day, completing our to-do lists and making other peoples needs a priority over our own, when is there time for us?

If we do not take the time to do the little things that fill our own cup, then it becomes so easy to burn ourselves out doing all those other tasks that may not bring us any joy. And it is so much harder to function from an empty cup.

Happiness is a State of Mind

We must take the time to consciously think about our own health and happiness each and every day. It is not something that just happens we must think it into happening!

It is vital for our own health that we take time for ourself each and every day. This is a part of filling our cup or becoming responsible for our own “self-care”.

If we do not take the time for this self-care, then it is easier for us to fall ill. And if it is necessary for us to be able to look after others, how can we do so if we ourselves are not well?

It is noted that those who are grateful usually choose to take better care of themselves and will engage in healthier behaviors, like eating a healthy diet and doing regular exercise. These people also tend to have lower stress levels which have been linked to an increased immune function and therefore decreased rates of some of today’s chronic diseases.

Those who practice gratitude tend to also be more optimistic about life in general. From living with a more positive outlook, they tend to be more satisfied with their life and have more vitality. They are better able to achieve their goals, have lower levels of depression and stress, they will sleep better, exercise more often and their relationships are more fulfilling.

Who doesn’t want to live life this way!

What is Gratitude?

A simple dictionary definitition of gratitude would be; the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful; or readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

Robert Emmons, one of the world’s leading scientific experts on gratitude, states that gratitude has two key components. He says that “First, it’s an affirmation of goodness. We affirm that there are good things in the world, gifts and benefits we’ve received.”

Second he explains, “we recognize that the sources of this goodness are outside of ourselves. … We acknowledge that other people—or even higher powers, if you’re of a spiritual mindset—gave us many gifts, big and small, to help us achieve the goodness in our lives.”

From these definitions then we can then first affirm or acknowledge life’s goodness or the many gifts that we receive. Having appreciation for those little things that make life worth living, even when times are tough.

And secondly, we come to the realization that some of these little things exist outside ourselves. We can find them in animals, nature, children, etc.

Through both of these understandings we can recognize and more fully appreciate everything big and small that make our life, and in turn ourselves better!

How Do We Cultivate Gratitude?

One of the most common ways to cultivate gratitude is to start a Gratitude Journal. In fact today you can even download gratitude apps!

Each day, often at the end of the day you take a few moments to simply write down three things that you were grateful for. To make this more interesting for yourself, do not replicate these on any other day!

Another simple way to practice gratitude is before each meal. Simply take the time to have gratitude for the meal you are about to eat. Have gratitude for the opportunity for this meal, gratitude for those who may have grown the ingredients in your meal, and if you are eating in the company of others, have gratitude for the ability to share this time with them.

Saying the words “Thank You”! Any time someone does something for you, or gives you something, express your gratitude with these words! You will be practicing gratitude and will help to make their day brighter by showing them your appreciation.

How Practicing Gratitude Can Change How We See The World

Studies have shown us that living a life with a sense of gratitude can lead to measurable effects on various body and brain systems.

These will include: our mood (through the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine); our reproductive hormones (testosterone); our social bonding hormones (oxytocin); our cognitive and pleasure related neurotransmitters (dopamine); our inflammatory and immune systems (cytokines); our stress hormones (cortisol); and even our cardiac rhythms, blood pressure and blood sugar.

So if you perceive the world as a bad place to live, a sad or fearful place, then that is the world you will see around you and live in. But if you practice gratitude and see the world as a wonderful, happy and beautiful place filled with good things, then that will be the world you appreciate living in. This will allow you to then experience more joy and vitality in your life, and to experience more inner peace.

Which world would you rather live in? By beginning to cultivate the act of gratitude daily, even when times are tough, will help you to appreciate life’s many gifts. There is usually something that you can be truly grateful for that will help to make your day a little more special because of it.

Go ahead and start today. Take a moment as you either start or end each day to fill yourself with gratitude and happiness.

When you express gratitude, you make your world, and our whole world, a better and brighter place to live in.


I love helping to empower my clients to reach their highest goals around health and lifestyle.

To find out more about my work and how I may be able to help you cultivate gratitude, please reach out to me at lynne@nutritionforyoursoul.com or contact me today to book a free 30 minute Nutritional Strategy Session where we can determine your health and lifestyle goals and if we might be a good fit to work together to help you achieve your goals.

Your Nourishing Nutritionist,

Lynne Bowsher

Nourishment for body, mind and spirit

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