How did we ever get to this place where most of us have become so disconnected from who we truly are?

In the process of evolving as human beings on this planet we have begun to live lives that move us faster and faster in many directions outside ourselves but that take us further and further away from our inner selves.

Not enough of us take time out to just be. To become centered, mindful and inwardly focused. To reconnect to our source of being and become nourished from that deep well spring inside. It is no wonder that the rates of disease continue to soar decade upon decade.

I am sure many of you have heard that this current generation of children may not outlive their parents. That is very disturbing to me. They are prescribing more and more young children anti-depressants. What kind of future will they have ahead of them when they are being numbed in this way and not being allowed to express their true self?

Ancient philosophy describes disease as a “dis-association” from self, as though we are at “dis-ease” with our own being. But hope is not lost, there are many ways we can begin to reconnect again. You only have to walk through any book store, or read the many blogs and articles written online to see that we are living in a time of a lot of stress, anxiety and even depression.

People are indeed searching, searching for something they feel they have lost, when in fact it has been inside of them all along.

It seems today that more is always better, when in fact less is more. Less rushing, less trying to keep up with the Jone’s, less hankering after that which we feel will bring us happiness. Happiness can only be found when we become re-connected and once more embodied.

We run around and around keeping busy until we either burn ourselves out or get to a very stressed and anxious place. Then finally we go to the doctor and want something to “make us better”. Unfortunately that something usually comes in the form of pills which are simply masking the underlying symptoms of how we got there in the first place. This does not in fact make us better but simply hides what we need to face inside. We become numb to who we truly are and what our life journey is.

When we take time to stop and reflect and go inside and begin to ask the age old questions of “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?”, and LISTEN for the answers. Then something magical begins to happen. We actually start to reconnect to self, to that part of us that is whole and wants to be happy and healthy and to serve our purpose while we are here in this life in this body.

Don’t get me wrong, it is not that you cannot have nice things and surround yourself with nice things, but to constantly be wanting more and more thinking that when I have this or when I look like that I will be happy. Why not be happy now?

How many times have you obtained that which you were wanting outside yourself only to realize that it did not in fact make you happy long term? Yes, there was that initial feeling of “I have got it now” but I know that it was very short lived. It is not long before you are on the search again for the next thing that will be the magic “pill” to make you happy.

You do not need to be fixed, you are not broken. You are a whole being that has been born into this life for a purpose.

Have you discovered yours?

Are you still searching?

And are you searching in the right places?

When we can recognize that we are beautiful just the way we are right now and accept that, our whole world begins to change all around us. All of a sudden everything is experienced differently, from a place of wholeness, not from the disconnected place of feeling broken and needing to be fixed.

Here’s to being embodied! 


I would love to help you transform your relationship with food, body and health and empower you to achieve a balanced life of health, purpose and vitality!

Your Nourishing Nutritionist,

Lynne Bowsher

Nourishment for body, mind and spirit



and step into a life of purpose


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