In my previous two blogs I mentioned disease. It is a sad fact, but disease is rampant in our society now.

What causes disease?

Well in my last blog, I mentioned that ancient philosophy describes disease as a “dis-association” from our body or that we are at “dis-ease” with our self. I also mentioned in the previous two posts that many of us are in fact living daily with this sense of being disconnected.

So what is disease?

If it is in fact caused because we have become “disassociated” from our self, do you think it might be trying to get our attention? Could it be asking us to look deeper inside and hear it’s message?

Some bodies are screaming to get us to pay attention. And what many people do is continue to bury these feelings and mask the symptoms by taking drugs, alcohol or by pushing ourselves harder and harder while all the while not paying any attention to what our body is trying to say to us.

What would happen if we did listen?

Well, many people are afraid of what that message might be. After all that is why they subconsciously stuffed it way down inside in the first place. But what if we truly did listen to what our body has to say? No, it will not be an easy journey by any means. But it is a journey we have been given and a path we need to take in order to become who we are truly meant to be.

In order for us to live the life we are meant to live we need to be embodied and to listen and actually hear what messages we are being sent. Could it be that we are eating the wrong foods? Foods that our body has difficulty digesting and metabolizing? Laxatives, and pain killers  are some of the major over-the-counter medicines sold today to millions of people. And yet, if people would just pay attention to their bodies messages, they would see that they need to change what they are putting into their body or what they are doing to their body.

Our body was meant to be vibrant and healthy, not diseased and unhealthy.

Could it be that we are trying to live a life that is draining us mentally and physically by pushing ourselves too hard. Too hard because we are trying to keep up with everyone else who is doing the same! Sounds kind of crazy, but we only have to look around at the people we know to see that so many of them are on this treadmill of going faster and faster. Faster and faster until we burn ourselves out.

Then what?

Was it really worth it?

Did we really achieve what we wanted?

Are we happy now?

Usually that answer is no, because happiness can not be found outside. So why not set a new intention of beginning to pay attention. To become present. To actually slow down and be with your food. To actually taste it and enjoy it, receive its nourishment. What do you think might happen? Do you think you just might enjoy your food in a different way now?

You might perhaps begin to eat more healthy knowing that you are what you eat? By becoming present to what you eat, how you buy your food, where your food comes from and even how you prepare it can tune you in to who you are  meant to be as an eater.

Could you actually nourish yourself in this way?

What if you took the time each day to slow down and just be?

To just be present, to breathe, to smile, to appreciate and feel gratitude.

Could it be that you really don’t need to keep running after those things you thought would make you happy?

What if you could simply be happy now?

Wouldn’t life be looked at through different lenses now? 

Would you not now see what is truly important in your life?

Taking time to be with family, friends, pets, nature, yourself. These are the things people on their death beds wish they had taken more time for. Not for the pushing and striving and moving forward. But to appreciate all the little things that life offers us each and every day. From the sight of a beautiful flower, or a graceful bird in the sky, perhaps a towering tree, or seeing the beauty in someone else’s eyes, or the smile on their face.

It is time to connect with ourselves and with nature and to recognize that we are not separate. 

I would love to help you transform your relationship with food, body and health and empower you to achieve a balanced life of health, purpose and vitality!

Your Nourishing Nutritionist,

Lynne Bowsher

Nourishment for body, mind and spirit



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