When it comes to creating a healthy lifestyle, there are a few simple habits that you can incorporate each and every day to help keep you on track!


1. Hydrate First Thing Every Morning

And I am not talking about coffee here! Every morning when you wake up your body is dehydrated and we know that water is the best liquid to consume to rehydrate the body.

Adding some fresh squeezed lemon is an added bonus because lemon juice has been shown to help with many things in the body. One is to help kick start your digestive system and another is to help with the detoxification of your liver.

Lemon water can also help alkalize or balance your PH levels in the body and help fight infections. It can even help with weight loss!

You can enjoy your lemon water cool, warm or hot. Squeeze half a lemon into about 8 oz. of water and enjoy!


2. Move Your Body

Yes, I know you hear this all the time! But our bodies were designed to move and even something as simple as a short walk can be a way to get things moving. When you move your body you are actually helping to move your lymph which is what helps to flush those nasty toxins out of your body.

Perhaps a short yoga practice where you can stretch and strengthen those muscles! Maybe you have a re-bounder and can spend a few minutes jumping on it to get your lymph moving.

Find some form of movement that you enjoy doing and do it often! Your body will thank you.


3. Eat More Veggies!

Moving towards a plant based way of eating is a powerful way to incorporate more fibre, color, anti oxidants and phyto nutrients into your body each day! The average American eats very little fibre, which might be why so many people today suffer from constipation!

I am sure there are some vegetables that you may not have even considered eating before. But the choice of vegetables is huge!

Try to support local, preferably organic and go on, be adventurous! Many can be eaten raw, some steamed, some roasted or baked. They can be added to so many dishes. You can even sneak them into your smoothies!

You might be surprised and find some more vegetables that you enjoy incorporating into your meals.


4. Practice Mindfulness

We all know that today’s world is much more stressful than the one our parents or grandparents lived in. And science now shows that stress leads to inflammation and did you know that inflammation is the leading cause behind all chronic diseases today?

If you could take some time to just sit quietly and breathe each day, as in meditation. Anything that gives you a few moments to connect with yourself will be of tremendous value to your mindset each and every day.

If you are not ready to go there yet, how about spending time in nature each day. Get out to your local park and walk or even just sit on a bench or even on a log amongst the trees. Getting in touch with nature is extremely relaxing for our body and mind.

Have you heard of Forest Bathing? This originated in Japan in the 1980’s where it is called “Shinrin-yoku”. Simply being in the forest is recognized to have many benefits for our body and our minds.


5. Get to Bed Early

You know the phrase, early to bed, early to rise. Well there is some science to that. We want to do our best to keep our body’s circadian rhythm in sync and one of the most important ways to do this is to maintain a regular sleep schedule each and every night.

It does not serve us to think we can stay up late on weekends and then sleep in in the morning. This type of schedule will surely throw our circadian rhythm out of sync. Better to maintain a consistent sleep schedule.

Do not underestimate the importance of getting a good nights sleep, each and every night! Sleep is crucial in keeping us healthy.


There you go, 5 simple Healthy Habits to incorporate into each day. Give them a try! You might be pleasantly surprised at just how simple and yet powerful these 5 habits can be when trying to maintain optimum health!


If you are struggling with your own health concerns and frustrated that you are not making any progress towards feeling more energy and having ways to deal with stress in your life. If you would like help to determine where to start to make healthy changes relevant to YOUR body and current lifestyle, I would be happy to chat with you to see if my cutting edge approaches to health and wellness might be a place to start.

As a Health Coach who is Certified in Eating Psychology and who specializes in Functional Nutrition I love helping my clients reach a place of less stress, having more energy and giving them back a sense of purpose in their lives!

Contact me for a FREE 30 minute Nutrition Strategy Transformation Coaching Session to determine whether this functional approach might be suitable for you and your current food and body challenges.


I would love to help you transform your relationship with food, body and health and empower you to achieve a balanced life of health, purpose and vitality!

Your Nourishing Nutritionist,

Lynne Bowsher

Nourishment for body, mind and spirit

7 Steps to Help Fight Stress and Fatigue

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