Each and every one of us has our own personal relationship with food, our own “food story” which began from the moment we were born and has evolved continuously to where we are now. I am sure if you reflect back on your own food story you would agree that your relationship with food has changed several times over the years.

Many people have a challenging relationship around food; some even feel that food is the “enemy”, meaning they associate eating food as a bad thing because they think it may make them fat.

But we all need food to survive. Our bodies require particular nutrients from food that keep us healthy and energized and allow our bodies to function optimally. We need to receive macro nutrients in the form of fats, carbohydrates and proteins and micro nutrients which provide us with necessary vitamins and minerals.

Many people have reduced food to a source of “fuel”. Today we have power bars and energy drinks (often with questionable ingredients). These forms of food along with all other processed foods have taken us away from our true relationship with food. In order to receive the proper macro and micro nutrients our body requires, we need to be eating more whole, natural foods just as nature intended.


Slow Down and Become Present When Eating

Too many people today are eating on the run and almost oblivious to the fact they are even eating because their lives are so busy. And even if we are eating something healthy, our body will not receive the proper nutritional value of this food if we do not take the time to slow down, breathe and become present while eating.

Our digestion actually begins in the brain. When the brain perceives real food it begins to send messages to our digestive system, stimulating saliva and enzymes.  

When we put food in our mouths we need to chew many times to further stimulate saliva and the enzymes required to help break down proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Then our digestive system does not need to work so hard and our body can better assimilate and properly metabolize what we eat.

This way of eating will offer a whole lot more than eating a power bar or drinking an energy drink!


Allow Yourself to Receive Pleasure From Food

We are wired to receive pleasure from food and we all know that food provides us with pleasure; there is no need to feel guilty about this! Allow yourself to truly taste and receive pleasure from each and every bite.

We need to recognize that food is not just to fuel us, but to give us pleasure, and to nourish us on so many levels.

In order to achieve pleasure and nourishment we need to slow down and become present at each and every meal with a sense of gratitude to what we are about to put into our bodies. Then our food can provide us with the necessary energy for all our bodily functions, helping them to work optimally, thus keeping us healthy and happy.

Starting today, why not begin to slow down, become present to what and how you are eating at each and every meal. Allow yourself to be grateful for your food and for where it came from. You may be surprised at how this will begin to move you in a new direction to forever change your relationship with food!

I would love to help you transform your relationship with food, body and health and empower you to achieve a balanced life of health, purpose and vitality!

Your Nourishing Nutritionist,

Lynne Bowsher

Nourishment for body, mind and spirit



and step into a life of purpose


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