Have you ever paused to reflect on how you nourish yourself?

Nourishment is so much more than the food we eat. It encompasses all things in life that give us pleasure and speaks to our soul. It is what makes us happy and connected to something greater than ourselves.

Have you ever questioned what gives you pleasure in life? Perhaps it is as simple as spending time with loved ones; maybe it is tending to your garden, or taking a walk in nature, doing yoga, watching the sunset, or travelling to a new and exciting place.

Each and every one of these situations helps us to connect to a place of joy and happiness inside that gives us a feeling of pleasure.

Without receiving pleasure in our lives, life can be dull and meaningless and therefore lacking nourishment. But the moment we spend more time with what truly nourishes us on all levels, then our life is more fulfilled, enriched and we feel happy, joyful and connected to something greater.

A simple definition of nourishment is;

  • food and other things that are needed for health, growth, etc.

A full definition of nourishment is;

  • food, nutriment, sustenance
  • the act of nourishing
  • the state of being nourished
  • to provide the materials necessary for life and growth.

Of course we receive nourishment from eating food that is as close to nature as possible. Processed foods are lacking in the necessary nutrients to help sustain a healthy body and mind and therefore do not provide us with nutriment or sustenance.

Which foods do you eat that provide you with high energy and sustenance and which ones drain you of your life force?

How does the food you eat make you feel?

As I explained in my previous blog, we need certain foods to help provide us with the macro and micro nutrients necessary to keep our body functioning at its optimum level which in turn allows us to stay healthy, happy and nourished.

Every time we sit down to a meal is an opportunity to become aware of how we are nourishing ourselves.

To know whether or not the food we are eating is nourishing, we need to become more aware in each and every moment.

We need to eat mindfully, slowly and with presence at each meal.

We also need to be aware of what we purchase to eat, where our food comes from, how we prepare our food, etc. We need to feed ourselves with a sense of purpose, love, and passion. We need to feed our soul.

By becoming more aware we can begin to listen to our own personal needs for vitality, passion and growth. We are all gifted with an inner wisdom which knows exactly what we need to nourish ourselves.

I invite you to look at all areas of your life and question what brings you nourishment, what makes you feel happy and connected to something greater. Then look at what areas of your life are lacking in nourishment.

I hope you find this exercise helpful to decide what to focus more of your time on in your life so that you can truly nourish yourself!

I would love to help you transform your relationship with food, body and health and empower you to achieve a balanced life of health, purpose and vitality!

Your Nourishing Nutritionist,

Lynne Bowsher

Nourishment for body, mind and spirit



and step into a life of purpose


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