“I generally avoid temptation, unless I can’t”  –  Mae West

How often do you feel out of control with food or think you have no willpower?

Do you sometimes feel like your appetite is too big and that you’re addicted to food?

Please understand that at some point in time, everyone has felt this way. It is just being human to want food!

So it’s not about self- control or willpower. Your appetite is definitely not too big. And you are not addicted to food.

If you have been trying to control your appetite, it is time to let that idea go. Because trying to control your appetite is like trying not to breathe! You need breath to keep you alive and just as importantly, you also need food to stay alive. Therefore, you can only control your appetite for so long before you must give in and eat. When you regularly try to control your intake of food, it can often lead to you binge eating or overeating.

When you binge or overeat, you then feel guilty and think that it is your fault or that there is something wrong with you. When in reality your appetite is completely normal. Your appetite is simply nature’s way of getting your body to tell you when it needs to be fed!

You need to have an appetite!


Food Provides You With Energy

Your body and all its trillions of cells require energy. Food should provide your body with the necessary energy for maintenance, repair, and growth of new cells.  Without a natural appetite, you wouldn’t survive very long.

Have you ever watched animals in nature? They instinctively eat when hungry and will eat what is necessary for their body at that given time. They don’t try to control their appetite except for possibly eating more before hibernation in the winter months. Otherwise, they tend to remain at a healthy, natural weight year round.

As a human, you have these same natural instincts as those animals in nature. It is time for you to begin to listen to your own body.

It is important that you eat when you are hungry and by learning the art of listening, you will begin to become aware of what is truly needed to nourish your body.


Take Time To Stop And Listen

Stop trying to control or deny your appetite. Take time instead to stop and listen to your body and its needs. You will have certain needs at different times for nutrients that your body requires to stay healthy.

But you will also have certain wants. You might want something sweet, or crunchy at times. Sometimes you will not be very hungry and just want something light to eat. At other times you will be very hungry and will want something more substantial and filling.

You will begin to be amazed at how your body does know what it wants and when!


Begin To Embrace Your Appetite

It is time to embrace your appetite. Eat when you are hungry, and eat what truly nourishes your body.

Of course it is wise to choose something nutritious and of high quality that will also meet your cravings. Take time to enjoy your food. Allow yourself to savour each and every mouthful.

Invite all of your senses to the table!


Become More Present Around Food

It is not easy to become more present around food but you can begin to gradually retrain your body. Eventually, you will feel much more comfortable around food and start to know your own appetite, its needs and its wants.

If you really listen, your body will tell you when it’s had enough. You will feel satisfied and will not have the urge to eat more.


So it’s not about self-control or willpower but rather the problem is about becoming more present with your food. You are not an overeater or a binge eater; if your body is hungry it will let you know. If you do call yourself an overeater or think you have no control or willpower when it comes to food, know that this is not true.

Allow yourself to become more present with food! Take the time to check in with your body during the day and ask what it really needs and wants.

Begin to stay more aware whenever you are eating.

When you are eating, truly eat!

Make meal times a celebration to nourish yourself.

If you really want to regulate (not control) your natural appetite, listen to your body, and be absolutely present with your food.

I would love to help you transform your relationship with food, body and health and empower you to achieve a balanced life of health, purpose and vitality!

Your Nourishing Nutritionist,

Lynne Bowsher

Nourishment for body, mind and spirit



and step into a life of purpose


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