It’s that time of year again when you make a decision to eat healthier, exercise more or save money. Apparently these are the three most common resolutions for 2019 according to Statista.

The New Year brings with it a sense of renewal, an opportunity to clear the slate if you will. It is a time when we tell ourselves that we can now stop doing what hasn’t worked for us and make changes towards something different that we feel will work.

However, we all know how long those resolutions usually last right? They say that most are dropped within the first 60 days!

Making a lasting change takes time, commitment and effort, unfortunately. To make lasting and effective change we must put our efforts in steadily and consistently over the course of weeks, months, even years!

One of the key principles to change our behavior is that we first need to recognize and interrupt our usual pattern. So whether that is around diet, lifestyle, exercise, career, or money, we need to first recognize that what we have been doing to this point has not been serving us as we would like. Then we must begin our journey towards making the appropriate baby steps to create and implement change.

This is why it may be helpful to consider changing the way you are looking at this as we enter this New Year. Why not change the concept of making resolutions and instead make New Year Intentions?

How Do I Create My Intentions?

First you need to understand that all intentions must come from the heart not the head and that it is a process that will require baby steps.

You cannot expect things to change overnight, especially right now after the holidays when you have most likely been doing some indulging!

Instead of thinking you must begin your intentions on January 1, why not look at choosing a more realistic goal to begin your New Year Intentions?

After all we are all human and we know that life can often have different plans for us anyway! I know I have certainly made plans over the years with the best of intentions, only to have something else come up to show me that now is probably not the best time! 

Where Do I Start?

Try to pick a more realistic date for yourself so that you will have a better chance for success. When do you feel would be the best starting date?

Then sit down and make a list of what intentions you would like to set for this new year. Now review your list and determine which ones you feel are the most likely to be achieved.

We can easily get carried away and want so many things, so it can be helpful to prioritize things here!

It can often be helpful when putting together your intentions to think about treating yourself with kindness and respect and not to feel guilty if you get off track. It happens to the best of us. All you need to do is get back on track!

I remember several years ago setting the intention to take more time for myself. For far to long I had been putting everyone else before me. And while I felt very guilty at first, I soon realized that I should have done this much sooner.

It is not that I stopped caring for others around me, but I made sure that I had “me” time more often to nurture myself and my own needs.

Of course there will be days that you succeed at moving towards your intentions and other days where you get stressed out because you did not. So each morning remember your intention of taking at least some time for you. This will help to keep you on track!

You see the beauty of an intention is that while the intent is there, whether or not it happens, it should not have you feeling guilty that you did not reach your goal.

Also, unlike a resolution, an intention does not have to be announced to those around you. It can be something special that stays within your heart. You might find that if you listen to your heart instead of your head that you will have more success achieving your intentions!

When you can work from your heart instead of your head you will be better able to create and stick to a manageable plan for moving towards your intention. Learn to trust your own intuition!

Your Best Health Intentions for 2019

No matter what the subtleties are between resolutions and intentions, the current trend is usually one of attaining better health. Whether that is through diet, exercise or lifestyle.

We all know that if you have optimal health, then life is good! Everything is so much better when we are functioning at our optimal level of health.

Our energy will be better, as will our sleep, and even our temperament or nature will be more pleasant when we are feeling happy in our body.

Since we are all unique individuals we need to find what truly works for us. What is the optimum diet for my body? What is the best form of exercise that gives me pleasure so that I am more likely to do it? What is the best time for me to get to bed in the evenings so that I am getting enough sleep?

It is important to address our sleep, our digestive process and our blood sugar levels. So perhaps some of your new year intentions can involve these aspects to get you moving towards optimal health.

As an Mind Body Nutrition Coach who specializes in Functional Nutrition I see how addressing these areas with my clients is vital towards helping them reach their desired health intentions.

Every day I continue to study and learn more about these two fascinating, cutting edge approaches to our health and wellbeing. Approaches that can truly transform mind, body and soul.

I am 100% committed to helping my clients to reach their goals around food, body and health.

If you would like to spend 15 or 20 minutes with me to see if this work will help you reach your desired goals then please reach out to me. I would be more than happy to discuss this work with you!

I also have a few exciting programs coming up this March. First I will be giving a FREE TALK on Functional Nutrition and Eating Psychology on Monday, March 18 from 6:30 to 7:45 at my studio.

On Saturday, March 23 I have my one day Nourish Yourself Workshop. Women love this workshop where they get to take some time to really discover what truly nourishes them and then begin to take steps towards nourishing themselves on a daily basis!

Then there is my Powerful 8 Week Breakthrough Program where we get together in a group setting each Monday starting on March 25. This is such a transformational program for those who participate!

I still run into clients who have taken this program in the past who tell me that every now and again they take out their book (provided for the program) and their notes because there was just so much in there to be reminded of.

Week by week, step by step you will learn transformational tips on how to care for your body and mind in ways that help you to accept where you are right now.

From there you can begin your journey towards your intentions knowing that they will be just what your body and mind require to get you on your own personal path towards health and wellbeing.

You will discover what foods work for you and which ones do not. You will begin to develop your own body intuition that will guide you on your journey that helps you to become the person you are meant to be.

This approach is about coaching and mentoring you and not just about guidance about what you should and should not do.

The best part is who you become in the process! You will begin to let go of the negative thoughts that have always held you back from making lasting changes.

Never underestimate the power of your thoughts! Go ahead and set your positive intentions today and trust that you do have the power within you to create change!

But let’s be honest here, this work to create change is not easy. You must be willing to make the steps necessary to create change.

And know that there are millions of people just like you who are right now having those same thoughts about making their own intentions for this new year to become the best person they can be. They are ready to take action to transform their health today!

Know that this lifestyle change will not happen overnight but it is amazing what can be accomplished by making those baby steps towards your intentions!

Consider taking part in either my Nourish Yourself Workshop or my Powerful 8 Week Breakthrough Program. Let’s do this together!

And if you would prefer a one-on-one consultation, then consider taking advantage of my free 15 to 20 minute Nutrition Strategy Session today to see if we might be a good fit to work together!

Your Nourishing Nutritionist,

Lynne Bowsher



Nourishment for Body, Mind and Spirit

7 Steps to Help Fight Stress and Fatigue

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If you have been struggling with stress, fatigue or wanting more purpose in your life, download my e-book to get 7 steps towards turning your life around today!



and step into a life of purpose


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