And How Can I Work Towards Achieving it?

I am sure you recognize that optimal health is so much more than just eating right and exercising. It is not about just feeling okay. But optimal health is when you have an inner sense of feeling whole, alive, and balanced. It is about having a sense of vibrancy and joy. 

To find this vibrancy and joy we need to tap into so many different levels of our body and mind. We must address the environment around us and take a detailed look at our daily habits. We need to look at our relationships, movement, nutrition, sleep, mindset, our sense of purpose and more. Each of these areas have a profound impact on our current and our future health.

You have the power within you to create your own optimal health. Our bodies are amazingly intelligent and know how to heal given the right nutrients and support. Yes it is absolutely possible for you to reach your highest goals around body and health.

I feel so blessed to be able to help people like you with this each and every day! And I hope you will consider joining me in one of the Spring programs coming up in March to create your own optimal health!


So What Are We Supposed to Do?

I know that you want to reach an optimum state of health, or to  simply get your health back. I know you know what you are supposed to do. But it is so easy to get off track and return to those old habits and behaviours. Like eating sugar, junk food or those other “comfort” foods that you know make you feel worse, right? You begin to move your body less and sit more. You are staying up later and later and missing out on sleep.

I also know you know that you feel so much better when you are eating the right foods, when you are moving your body the way you love to move it, when you are sleeping well, and yet you can’t seem to make those good habits stay with you. 

So tell me, is this you? Do you need some help to learn some simple techniques on how to maintain the healthy behaviors you are trying so hard to bring into your life? I can help you! With my training in Eating Psychology and Functional Nutrition I have many tools,systems and approaches that allow me dive in with you to encourage and coach you on your own personal health journey.

As a health coach I help clients just like you to successfully adopt and maintain lifestyle changes. This often includes giving up certain things but replacing them with even better ones. Teaching you how to tune into what your body really needs to maintain optimum health. Trust me, it can be done, people begin to change their lifestyle habits each and every day for the better.

I hope that we can begin that journey together so that you will have the utmost success at sustaining the healthy behaviors you have been trying so hard to adopt. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about this work.


Why is it so Challenging?

Let’s face it, the reality of adopting and sustaining new health and lifestyle habits can be extremely difficult. It really does take a long time of exploration, of trial and error to find out what truly works for you and for those new lifestyle habits to be maintained.

You are a unique individual, there is no one-size-fits all approach for anyone. There is no quick fix. Sorry, but this is the absolute truth. With all the diets, pills, exercise programs, books, etc. out there, which one is for you? Well the answer is that there may be nuggets of information in each and every one of these that might benefit you, but you need to work with someone who can help you tap into your own body wisdom which knows what it needs to reach its optimal state of being.

Depending on where you are in your own personal health journey it might take a short time or several years to find what truly works best for your body. And because this can be such a struggle for most people, having someone who can support and guide you to the correct approaches is vitally important.

Most successful people have used a guide or mentor to hold space for them as they proceeded towards their desired health and lifestyle goals. I have had and continue to have many guides, teachers and mentors in my life!

There will most often always be struggles as food and lifestyle habits change. Things like headaches, abdominal pain, changes in bowel habits, perhaps even intense cravings. But those who are committed on this path understand that it is not an easy journey and that constant vigilance will be needed for years to avoid slipping back to those old comfortable habits.

We also need to recognize that our needs change as we age and our body changes. Having someone to support you through these challenging times is important.  

I would love the opportunity to guide and mentor you through your own personal challenges towards your goals!


But I Have all These Negative Thoughts!

Where do they keep coming from? All those negative thoughts about your body, or your habits. The ones that keep preventing you from moving forward to create and sustain the healthier and more sustaining habits you would really like to adopt.

For the past few years I have been coaching clients on how to begin to create the important changes in their own personal health and lifestyle habits so they may begin to reach their desired goals. Most often our struggles are in our mind. Never underestimate the power of your thoughts and beliefs around food and body.

We really need to understand the Mind Body connection, how it works and how powerful it can be. This is where the Eating Psychology work can be so helpful to overcome these mental disturbances around our own body and health. Especially when it comes to any negative self talk!

Then we must address the proper function of the body. Our body’s are amazing, they truly do know how to heal given the right tools. There are so many systems of the body that need to function optimally and the most important system is our digestive system. This is where Functional Nutrition shines!

By addressing our Digestive system, ensuring it is functioning optimally, we can most often help to overcome many if not all of the other issues the body is experiencing in other systems!

Through a detailed intake form, a timeline, a functional matrix and other tracking tools, we can begin to assess, recommend and track your progress. Of course there will be some course corrections along the way as we discover what works and what doesn’t for your own unique body! By diving in deeper and deeper we can actually begin to determine the root causes of your symptoms or issues.

Why not join one of the spring programs coming up or consider one-on-one sessions to help you overcome these negative thoughts and replace them with positive uplifting ones!


Some Important Things to Consider

  1. What would life truly be like if you had what you wanted in relation to your body and health?  Who would you be and how would life be different if you were not struggling with these issues?

    2. Why do you want these changes? Is it to lose a few pounds, to sleep better, to have better digestion? How will a different body, or better health help you.

    3. Why do you think you are struggling with the issues you have? Could there be a message in these challenges for you to listen to?

    4. Do you have a positive attitude around your body and your health? Or is there a lot of negative self talk around what you are struggling with? And are you ready to begin to make positive changes in your life around food and body?

    5. Do you have a good support team? Family, friends, physicians, mentors or coaches who are there to support and guide you on your journey. If not, what can you do to move away from those people who are not supporting your goals and begin to spend more time or seek out those who are there to cheer you on, to guide and mentor you.

Adopting and sustaining health promoting behaviors is how people succeed at reaching their goals and restoring their health. These changes must take place in your mind, heart and soul. 

Some people prefer a one-on-one approach where they can build trust with a coach or mentor who will help them on their journey. Others prefer to be in a group setting in order to be successful in reaching their goals. There is definitely power in working along with others who are also struggling to adopt new habits and behaviors.

Either way, I would be honored to be able to help you reach your desired goals around food, body and health.

Please consider my Spring programs coming up in March through May and do reach out to me if you have any questions or would like to register.

I am happy to spend 15 to 20 minutes on a phone call with you to see if we might be a good match to work on a one-on-one basis. If you are interested in this, please contact me at and I will be in touch.

Your Nourishing Nutritionist,

Lynne Bowsher

Nourishment for Body, Mind and Spirit

7 Steps to Help Fight Stress and Fatigue

and step into a life of purpose

If you have been struggling with stress, fatigue or wanting more purpose in your life, download my e-book to get 7 steps towards turning your life around today!



and step into a life of purpose


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