Have you ever pondered this question?

What does this mean?

We all have our own personal food story.

From the time you were born to this moment, your eating patterns will have changed many times. Your entire life history of eating is your personal food story.

We start off either receiving milk from our mother or from a bottle. Then gradually we are introduced to different solid foods that have been mashed or blended for us because we have no teeth and cannot yet chew. And on and on it goes like this through our lives as we adapt and change our relationship with food.

Our food story is also affected by where we were born, our culture. What foods did our family and their family grow up on? What is introduced to us in our early years becomes familiar to our bodies. However, as we grow up, and in today’s society those barriers have been crossed for many because we now have access to so many different ethnic foods.  And so many people travel and therefore are introduced to the foods of the countries they are visiting.

So back to looking at your own food story, how exactly has it been for you? Did you grow up with certain cultural foods and then branch off to explore different foods for yourself which you either liked or disliked? How has this process impacted what you currently eat today?


Food Allergies and Food Intolerance

In addition our food story can include the discovery of foods we do not tolerate. Perhaps we have an allergic reaction or are just intolerant of those foods. Do you listen to your body when eating those foods and realize that they cause some form of digestive upset or symptom that sends its message? Physical reactions to certain foods are common, but most are caused by food intolerance rather than a food allergy. And since a food intolerance can cause some of the same signs and symptoms as a food allergy, people often confuse the two.

So, what is the difference between a food allergy and a food intolerance? Well, a true food allergy causes an immune system reaction that affects numerous organs in the body. It can cause a range of symptoms and in some cases can be severe and even life threatening. While in contrast, food intolerance symptoms are generally less serious and often limited to digestive problems.

Food intolerances are more common than food allergies and there are various causes behind them such as:

  • absence of a particular enzyme needed to fully digest a food
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • food poisoning
  • sensitivity to food additives
  • recurring stress or psychological issues
  • Celiac disease
  • and more

Underneath every possible issue we face with food, health, or weight is a story that shapes our metabolic reality.


Eat Real Food for Macro and Micro Nutrients

Are you living in a way that allows you to make the right choices to provide nutrition for your body? After all our body is designed to eat, to receive food and nourishment, without which we either die or develop many symptoms of disease.

Real food contains information and our body requires food that has this information so that it can recognize, metabolize and digest that food. So it makes sense then that we need to eat food closest to nature most of the time because this food will contain the various macronutrients and micronutrients that our body needs to survive.

Do you truly care about what you put into your body? If so, know that you are in charge and can make the changes necessary to see that you live a long and healthy life. A way of eating that is truly aligned with who we are meant to be while here on planet Earth.

There is no one-size way of eating for everybody.

Begin to listen to your body and its’ needs to continue to enhance your own food story.


Go Ahead And Boost Your Metabolism!

So no matter where you might be right now on your food journey in your life, you and you alone have the power to begin to make a change towards a healthier metabolism. And you can start today! From today forward your metabolism will thank you and shift into its full potential as you begin to switch to a real foods diet. And when your metabolism shifts into its own potential, you will shift into your full potential. You will have more energy, feel better about yourself, your mind will be clearer and you will have more appreciation of life and why you are here to better serve your purpose.

I would love to help you transform your relationship with food, body and health and empower you to achieve a balanced life of health, purpose and vitality!

Your Nourishing Nutritionist,

Lynne Bowsher

Nourishment for body, mind and spirit



and step into a life of purpose


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