It is time to Energize and Revitalize!

When done correctly, a Spring Detox or Cleanse will help to activate your systems of detoxification and elimination after the dull, heavy winter months. A healthy detox should offer increased clarity and focus, increased energy and a feeling of lightness. It will revitalize your body and mind after winter.

According to Chinese Medicine, Spring is associated with the Liver and Gall Bladder. Your liver is one of the body’s most important organs and is responsible for the filtration of toxins from your body and preventing numerous diseases.

The liver affects your nervous system and represents movement throughout the body and it is your first organ impacted by stress. If affected it will eventually cause dysfunctions in other organs as well.

Keeping your liver healthy is vitally important. It is said that our liver is involved with over 500 functions in the body! It plays a key role in metabolism, immune health, digestion and detoxification in the body.

This natural system of detoxification consists of a series of processes that help keep your body healthy and free from waste products that cause numerous diseases. It filters your blood during the day and is busy removing toxins during the night.

Transitioning the Body from Winter to Spring

Over the winter months we can put a lot of strain on the liver which slows it down and causes toxins to build up. When your liver is strained it can lead to heart palpitations, teeth grinding, neck and shoulder tension, and even depression and mood swings.

After the cold winter months it is a time to reset your body and invite renewed wellness. It is time to leave the heaviness of winter behind and turn your attention to lighter fare.

Spring is such a great time to do a detox because Mother Nature is starting to offer us many foods vital for cleansing and detoxifying the body. Foods like fresh greens which are perfect for liver cleansing.

Did you know that your liver is also responsible for filtering and processing all your hormones too? This helps to ensure a proper balance and operation of your hormones. When not operating properly it can lead to hormonal imbalances like too much estrogen, deficient insulin production and more.

Detoxing is an Ancient Practice

Detoxing is your body’s journey towards healing and has been an ancient art of healing practiced for thousands of years.

During a detox you want to eat foods that are lighter in calories and lighter in fat content and foods that are raw or lightly cooked.

It is not a time for starvation, nor a time for counting calories. You want to eat enough to keep you satisfied and to support your blood sugar levels. And of course you want to keep well hydrated to help flush those accumulated toxins from the body.

A Spring Detox is a time to slow down, to be with your food as you transition from the heaver winter meals to the lighter spring choices. It is important to chew well to activate the digestive enzymes required for breaking down your food in your mouth so that your digestive system does not need to work so hard.

A healthy detox should provide your body with the essential nutrients to keep your body satisfied while at the same time working on the detoxification of your body to remove those unwanted toxins.

A Time to Flush out Those Harmful Toxins

The body will accumulate toxins we are exposed to over time. Things like environmental pollutants, preservatives in foods, pesticides, heavy metals and industrial waste. Then there are the cancer-causing chemicals from food, water, cleaning products and personal care products.

All of these are stored in our body tissues and cells and affect our metabolism. They are even stored in our brain!
Environmental toxins can be responsible for many types of cancer as well as neurological diseases, heart disease and more. While our body does have its own built in detox function in todays world where we are exposed to so many toxins it is most often overloaded.

Therefore when we take time to do a detox we can assist this process and help to improve with the elimination process of these toxins.

Strengthen Your Immunity, Reverse Aging and Improve Sleep!

A healthy detox will help to enhance and strengthen your immune function making you less vulnerable to colds and flus.
Another reason to do a detox is to jumpstart your body’s natural ability to burn fat. The detox will help to rid the toxins you have stored in your fat cells and to increase your metabolism.

Our body’s will often build up free radicals and heavy metals which are responsible for aging. When we detox our nutrient absorption is increased and by eating fresh whole foods which contain plenty of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals it helps to fight oxidative stress in the body.

Toxins in the body are also known to cause joint pain, headaches, digestive disorders, sleep problems and a lack of energy. By detoxifying the body you will have more mental, physical and emotional energy. Your sleep will be improved and you may find that you even need less sleep!

A Detox Affects Many Levels in Your Body

A detox while having so many effects inside the body is also reflected on your outer body. Your eyes will sparkle and your skin will glow. It will help to strengthen your hair and nails too.

As the toxins are removed from the body you will begin to notice a shift in your mental and emotional states. Your mind will be more clear and grounded.

A healthy detox will bring balance back to your digestive, nervous and hormonal systems so that they can work better together to help you achieve optimum health.

Helping you Make More Conscious Choices

A detox will help you to tune in to the subtle messages of your body. As the brain fog lifts and your consciousness improves you will begin to know when and what to eat. This of course helps those who tend to overeat.

When we are detoxing it is a good idea to include good probiotics. The detox will help your body to rid itself of the bad gut bacteria and give chance for the good gut bacteria to grow and flourish. When that happens you will find that your food preferences will naturally shift towards healthier choices.

And something that I always find fascinating is that while detoxing my body I also get an urge to detoxify my environment too! It is a great time for spring cleaning around your home and getting rid of not only the dust and cobwebs but of any items that have been cluttering the space around you.

Detoxing brings balance back and helps our systems function properly again.


As you can see there so many reasons for doing a Spring Detox!

It will leave you feeling energized and revitalized!



Are you ready to learn more about how to use the power of food to heal your body, to prevent disease & to achieve optimal health?

Are you looking for cleansing guidance & recipe inspiration?

Then stay tuned for my upcoming online Spring Detox, Energize and Revitalize!
This will be a 7 day online program where you will receive everything you need to Energize and Revitalize your body!

We will have a private Facebook Group where you can ask me questions and encourage one another on your detox journey!

When you have the proper guidance and work with others or within a framework that has been shown to work, this can not only improve how likely you are to stick with the program, but how much better your results will be!

Are you ready to set an intention to Energize and Revitalize your body this Spring? Then consider joining us for this 7 day program coming up very soon!

Your Nourishing Nutritionist,

Lynne Bowsher

Nourishment for body, mind and spirit

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